Brain Power Foods

Improve your cognitive function and health all at once, by trying this list of brain power boosting foods and experience how your concentration and memory might serve you better 🙂

 Yummy Brain & Energy Smoothie recipe with Kale – thank you to Kemi’s Raw Kitchen

Kale is being called “the new beef”, “the queen of greens” and “a nutritional powerhouse.” Here are ten great benefits of adding more kale to your diet –

Kale salad


The body’s major building block and cell function assistant is also needed for brain function. It helps us to focus and remember. Have you ever experienced a headache which went away after a large glass of fresh, clean water? Also remember the post on water and anxiety.


Fat makes up approximately 60% of our brain, to function on an optimal level and not endanger structure, we need to feed it with healthy fats.  Omega fatty acids are essential, that means, the body cannot make them, they have to be introduced by foods. DHA the main component in fish oils is considered a vital brain and nervous system fat. Cold water fish such as salmon, sardines, mackerel are good sources.  Fish also contain iodine, which can improve lucidity. However, if you prefer a non animal supplement look for Chia Seeds, not only do they contain omega fatty acids, but also a host of other important minerals and micro minerals. They are also one of the very few non animal sources of vitamin B12. They are a cruelty free source 🙂

Other healthy brain fat options are: olive oil, coconut oil, flax seeds, nuts and seeds and avocado.

Remember, trans fats and hydrogenated fats do not improve brain function but can actually slow it down.  Try to avoid them, even if they are in your favourite foods, such as biscuits and cakes, to name a few.

Lecithin and Choline

AcetylCholine is an important neurotransmitter. It is converted from Choline, which in turn is produced in the liver. We are required to boost our Choline levels from lecithin via our foods such as cauliflower, eggs, soybean, liver, peanuts.


Magnesium is a very important mineral for the nervous system (more on magnesium in a separate blog next week).  Magnesium builds and protects the nerves by supporting and building the myelin sheaths which insulate the nerve fibres.  Many of us are magnesium deficient which also disturbs our sleep.


Blueberries, one of nature’s yummy treasure troves. Full of neuron protecting, free radical gobbling antioxidants.


Sleep needs to be mentioned in this topic! Sleep is needed for our brain to function at it’s most optimal level.  Sleep regenerates and repairs many parts of the body including the brain.  So, for effective memory and function 7 or more hours of sleep is necessary! Also check the recent blog on sleep and sugar levels.

If you feel you are deficient in some foods or need support to find out where to from here – check out Detailed Personalized Health Appraisal at the top of this page menu.


About Nature is Health

Mental Health Nurse - Naturopath - passionate about Natural Therapies for Mental Health, Nature, Animals My blog invites serious (that does not mean you can not use humour) comments and feedback only. Please be non offensive and respect others. Guest blogging from related fields is invited, please notify me about your intended blog first via email!
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2 Responses to Brain Power Foods

  1. Very informative post. I have taken note of several things that I have thought of trying, and now will.
    I appreciate the knowledge you provide for all your readers.

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